Unexpected Local SEO Tips For UK Businesses

Outside the Quiz Night: Surprising Local SEO Tricks for UK Businesses (That Truly Work)

Imagine you’re in a lively London bar, filled with chatter and the smell of fish and chips. Suddenly, a loud quiz host asks, “For 5 points, what’s the top local SEO tip for UK shops?” Many yell, “Google My Business!”

But grabbing your GMB spot is just the start.

Today, we’re skipping quiz night to dive into smart tricks that’ll push your business to the top of local searches, making your rivals wonder, “How did they do that?”

Quick Fact

Did you know that 46% of all Google searches are local (Source: Moz)? That’s a lot of folks looking for nearby businesses. So, ignoring local SEO is like tossing away a winning ticket.

More than Basics:

1. Use Local Love in Content

Skip the usual blog posts. Write about your love for the area. Work with local groups, chat with leaders, or talk about local events. This not only gains trust and clicks but also gets links from local sites, lifting your search spot.

2. Speak Many Languages

The UK is full of different languages. If many people in your area speak other languages, translate your website and GMB info. This welcomes more people and shows you care, a big plus today.

3. Play with Structured Data

Think of structured data as small clues that lead search engines right to you. Use schema to show what makes you special, your hours, and even what your customers think. This detailed info makes your GMB shine in the dark.

4. Answer Reviews Well

Reviews are worth a lot online. But just having them isn’t enough. Reply to all, good or bad. Say sorry, offer to fix it, and show you care. This builds trust and makes others want to pick you.

5 star reviews
Be proactive with your business reviews

5. Mobile is Key

In 2023, 63.5% of all UK internet use was on phones (Source: Statista). Make sure your site loves phones, loads fast, and is easy to use. Angry phone users won’t stay, so think “phones first.”

Extra Tip

Work with local faces! Team up with local influencers for reviews, social posts, or events together. This uses their local fame to boost your brand.

By using these smart, yet not so common steps, you’ll be on your way to the top of local SEO. Remember, it’s not just about being the loudest in the bar quiz, it’s about a smart plan that talks right to your local folks.

So, go ahead, try new things, and watch your business rise in local searches, making your rivals wonder, “What’s their trick?”.

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